We had to write the letter in letter format, we also had to tell her about what the frogs to and what is the advantage of having the frogs.
Here is my letter to her:
Hornby High School
180 Waterloo Road
Hornby 8042
15 October, 2018
Mrs Mitchell
St Bernadettes Primary
Hei Hei Road
Hornby 8042
Dear, Mrs Mitchell
I would like you to know that 7Mt would like to have your turtles, I am writing to you on behalf 7Mt. We would like to trade your cool turtles with our wonderful frogs. It is because we want to experience a new kind of animal in our classroom. We will thank good care of them and make sure they have what they need, we will also give them the love they need. We would really loved to how you turtles here with us.
Our frogs can be a great help to your class as they will learn a lot of things our the frog. Their names are Yoda and Belle, Yoda is a boy and Belle is a girl. Your students will learn the life cycle of the frogs and when your class is quiet enough you will hear the frogs croaking. It will help you because the students can be quiet while focusing on their work. It sounds weird but I know that your students will love them, they are mostly active in the summer.
I hope you and your class can love them just as we do, please consider letting us have your cool turtles.
Yours Sincerely
Lyan, From 7MT
When she checked our letters she also had to check it in with her students. I am also sure that she agreed to swap it with ours. Let's say her student like when we said the frogs make fart sounds.
So we got the turtle at Tuesday, she was a girl and her name was Yurtle and she is an amazing turtle.
This is what she looked like:

Self Reflection: I think we deserved the turtle's because we worked hard to persuade her to saw us the the turtle and next time we should work harder than before.