I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Friday, December 10, 2021
Game Development | DTE
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
House Fires and Fire Safety
Monday, November 15, 2021
Earthquakes and Tsunamis | Science
Essay Planning | English
aspect = technique
Camera Shots/Angles/movement
Reaping Scene - Close-ups, Costume, Music, Lighting
Task 2: 1-2 Sentences explaining what happened in the scene
T - Tittle
A - Author/Director
K - Key Ideas/Aspect
O - Outline
Ex. - Intro
In the film ‘The Hunger Games’ directed by Gary Ross, techniques are used to engage the viewer and tell the story. In the scene [INSERT YOUR SCENE] film aspects such as [TECHNIQUE 1], [TECHNIQUE 2], [TECHNIQUE 3] and [TECHNIQUE 4] are impactful in creating the mood and atmosphere.
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Volcanic Eruption | Science
Credit: Volcano Diagrams |
Aftermath |
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Treaties | Social Studies
Monday, November 8, 2021
Workshop #6 : SEXXXY Paragraphs | English
- Angles/Movement/Shots
- Music
- Lighting/Colour
- Settings
- Costumes/Make-up
- Characters
- Theme - Rich vs Poor, Hope and Rebellion, Struggle for Power
- Foreboding
- Reluctant
- Hesitant
- Nervous
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Characters Strengths | English
- How is the character strength portrayed in the story?
- Why is it an important character strength
Monday, November 1, 2021
Passion Project Reflection | Wānanga
- I did research on different types of techniques used in Forensic Science.
- Studied different types of blood spatter.
- I found it hard to find something to study because there are a lot of topics but only a short period of time.
- We didn't have the tools to do the experiments we wanted to do so we had to change our plans and do something that we could do in a week.
- I learned about something that I was interested in and something that I think I would use in my further studies.
Workshop #5 : Music | English
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Settings | English
Monday, October 18, 2021
Workshop #4 | English
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Ōtautahi | Social Studies
Monday, September 27, 2021
Workshop 3: Costume | English
- The children of the district have gathered together for the reaping to select the tributes.
- Boys: shirts, buttoned collars, shorts, pants, white, colourless, faded, dull, overwashed.
- Girls: dresses, shirts and skirts.
- Best clothes, probably worn once a year, worn out, colourless, faded.
- Viewer Effect: we feel sorry for the people, they seem powerless, they live in poor conditions.
- Directors Purpose: shows us how bad their conditions are, wants us to see them as weak, unprepared, hopeless.
- Other Techniques: high angle with the faded coloured makes them seem weak, vulnerable, helpless.
- Katniss and Peeta have arrived by Train in the Capitol.
- The clothes are extravagant!
- over the top
- colourful
- vibrant
- accessories - hats/earrings/make-up/wigs/shoes/bags/dogs
- new - like only worn once, 'fashionable', access to good quality fabrics patterns.
- Viewer Effect: makes them seem higher rank, privilege, relaxed, we don't like them - an attitude of entitlement, clueless
- Directors Purpose: shows themes of imbalance of power and rich vs poor.
- Other Techniques: the setting is crowded, people are happy, buildings are modern, big, well-kept. - Shows that Capitol is privileged
- The tributes have just arrived n the arena and are waiting to start the games.
- Costumes: survival gear, browns, black, dark colours, jackets, pants, t-shirts.
- Designed to look good, to be practical, lightweight.
- Viewer effect: the tributes looked prepared, fit, athletic.
- Director Purpose: they are going to die, the outfits are just for the audience (the Capitols) makes it seem more pageant like.
- Other Technique: silence - worried excited to see what happens, anxious, builds tension, makes the audience focus.
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Analysing the Plot | English
- I am learning how to analyse the plot of the film.
- I made a Prezi show my understanding of how the plot progresses.
- How are camera angles used in the film to create a particular atmosphere?
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
MRS GREN | Science
Monday, September 20, 2021
Workshop 2: Angles, Movement & Shots | English
- Katniss volunteers as a tribute when her sister was chosen.
- The children/parents of the district giving the three-finger salute.
- Peeta is chosen as the other tribute.
- 3 Fingered Salute
- it's a sign of respect for Katniss from the people of her district.
- Katniss is a symbol of hope for a district victor.
- Katniss is a symbol of rebellion because she steps in for her sister when no one else would.
- Technology - Use of blood readers/scanners, projectors.
- District 12
- Children's outfits for reaping are their best clothes, dresses, shirts - collared, boys - shorts or pants, colours of their clothes are very faded from washes and reusing.
- The village is falling down around them. '
- Close-Up - Faces
- Primrose when reaped - Terror, Fear
- Effie - joyful, confident, excited - close of lips when reading names
- Katniss - panics when Prim is reaped, shock when she stands with Effie.
- Peeta - fear, panic, shock.
- Shallows Focus
- The people in the background are in shallow focus when Prim Katniss hug. This forces the viewer to watch the characters in focus.
- Sorry for tributes
- Primrose - it was her first she has been reaped.
- Katniss - she volunteered, a selfless act.
- Anger towards the Capitol for the reaping.
- We consider Effie is annoying, happy, stuck-up, clueless.
- need to be invested in their journey/suffering
- need to be angry at Capitol so that ew judge them and their decisions later.
- Effie is depicted as a symbol of people in the District who are clueless - don't see the suffering
- Starts as we move to pick the boys.
- Minor key, tempo - slower, dynamic.
- Starts quiet then gets louder to build intensity.
- Mood - Tension, morose
- Bright, Grey, Natural, Cold
- Mood - sad, depressed,
- Dull, cold, palette - grey, white, blue, faded, washed out
- Atmosphere - despair, sorry for the people, poverty, rundown
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Drugs Assessment | Health
Theme Guide | English
Following the theme and ideas workshop, we had to create something that shows our understanding of the themes and ideas that were portrayed in the film. I chose to create a theme guide.
I am learning how to analyse the themes and ideas of a film.
- How does this work show my learning?
I created a theme guide to show my understanding of the themes and ideas of the film Hunger Games.
- What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
I am wondering why these kinds of themes were used in this film.
Monday, September 13, 2021
Themes and Ideas | English
| Reality
- Volunteered as a tribute for her sister.
- She has become one of the Brave people
- She protected her sister.
Monday, August 9, 2021
The Nuremberg Laws | Social Studies
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post, today for Social Studies we learned about the Nuremberg Laws, the impact of the laws of the Jews and the rights that were affected due to these laws. We needed to do source analysis of a text that has been provided to us, for the source analysis we first had to read our source then we answered questions related to the topics which were discussed in the text.
At their annual party rally held in Nuremberg in September 1935, the Nazi leaders announced new laws based on many of the racial theories common in Nazi beliefs. These "Nuremberg Laws" exclused German Jews from Reich citizenship an dprohibited them from marrying or having sexual relations with person of "German or German-related blood." Addtional regulations to these laws deprived them of most political rights. Jews were disenfranchised (that is, they had no righ to vote) and could not hold public office.
The Nuremberg Laws did not identify a "Jew" as someone with particular religious beliefs. Intead the first amendment to the Nuremberg Laws defined anyone who had three or four Jewish grandparents as a jew, regardless of whether that individual recognized himself of herself as a Jew or belonged to the Jewish religious community. Many Germans who had not practised Judaism (the Jewish refligion) or who had no done so for years found themselves caught in the grip of Nazi terror. even people with Jewish grandparents who had converted to Christianity could be defined as Jews.
The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 was the start of a new wave of anti-Semitic laws that brought about immediate segregation: Jewish patient were no longer admitted to municipal hospitals in Düsseldorf, German court judges could not refer to legal commentaries or opinions written by Jewish authors, Jeiwsh officers were expelled from the army, and Jewish university students were not allowed to sit for doctoral exams.
Other regulations reinforced the message that Jews were outsider in Germany; for example, in Deccember 1935, the Reich Propaganda Ministry issued a decree forbidding Jewish soldiers to be named among the dead in World War I memorials.
Adapted from https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/anti-jewish-legislation-in-prewar-germany
The Nuremberg Laws didn't allow German Jews to have citizenship.
They also didn't allow them to have any romantic or sexual relationships with people of "German or German-related blood".
Anyone with three or four Jewish grandparents were defined as a Jew, regardless of whether that person identifies as a Jew.
The Reich Propaganda Ministry issued a decree which forbade Jewish soldiers to be named among the dead in the World War I memorials.
They dpreived then of political rights and they were disenfranchised, which means they weren't allowed the right to vote.
3. Why do you think that the Nazis passed these laws? (Understanding)
Hitler hated the Jews, he thought that the Jews were staining the purity of Germnay saying they were the source of the German's misofrtunes.
Many people would be enraged and shcoked at the fact that this may be happening. Since Māori had already experienced many difficulties with their cutlure, there may be various disagreements, and there is a chance of riots and strikes.
The Nuremberg Laws were racist towards the Jews because they were outcasting a race. After all, every race should be able to be recognized and celebrated. They took away many of the Jews rights which were required to live properly. They were denied many things and were humiliated, the Nuremberg Laws were unfair to them and didn't dive thme the freedom to have say in anything that was said in the government. They also massacred a huge amounts of the population of Jews, even going as far to sending them to concentration camps.
![]() |
Credit: ushmm |
DNA Extraction | Science
- Cut the kiwifruit in half and skin the kiwi fruit.
- Squish the skinned kiwifruit with sand and water in a sandwich bag. Then pour through cloth, collect the juice in a beaker, then transfer it into a test tube.
- Pour water into the beaker and heat up. Put two drops of dishwashing liquid in the test tube with the kiwifruit and rest in the beaker with warm water.
- After setting the test tube in the beaker, take it out after 1-2 minutes and add Ethanol. Watch the DNA separate and collect the DNA using a spatula.
Squished Kiwifruit with sand. |
Separated DNA |
Kiwifruit DNA |
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
The Great Depression | Social Studies
What did Hitler say about Jews? | Social Studies
"The Jews were responsible for bring negroes into the Rhineland with the ultimate idea of bastardising (lowering the quality of) the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominte."
In this quote, Hitler was writing about how Jews are lowering the standards of Germany and how Jews are planning to overthrow the people of Germany to gain dominance.
Quote 2.
"The Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end... spying on the unsuspicious German girl he plans to seduce... he wants to contaminate her blood and remove her from the bosom of her own people. The Jew hates the white race and wants to lower its cultural level so that Jews might dominate"
In this quote, Hitler talked about how a Jew was planning to take advantage and take control of a German girl. Hitler again talking about how Jews hate Germans and how they want to dominate.
Monday, August 2, 2021
Visual and Sound Techniques | English
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Land Yatch | Science
Sunday, July 4, 2021
The Skeletal System | Health
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Cyber Security | DTE
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post for the past few weeks of term we have been working on learning more about computer science and about cybersecurity. For the first week, we learned about computer science and cybersecurity. We learned about computer fundamentals and how they relate to cybersecurity. To present our work we were introduced to CoSpaces where we created an interactive setting presenting our work.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Personal Rubbish Diary | Social Studies
Sunday, June 27, 2021
The Hunter Swoop 2 - The Search | English
The dark ebony branches of the bare trees stand amidst the odd mist. Withering dark trees stood parallel to the bare trees. Unclear water littered with dead leaves, reflecting towards parallel trees.
A mysterious mist hanging above a path of fallen leaves signifying the beginning of the winter season. More bare trees litter across the barren land as he continues to walk to a mysterious place, not knowing the end he might face.
Sustainable Fishing | Social Studies
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post, in social studies we have been working on learning more about sustainable fishing and how it is useful to prevent us from damaging our oceans. We had to create a Prezi explaining why overfishing, bycatch and dolphin-safe labels are problems and what sustainable fishing can do to help with it.
National Geographic
Scuba Diving
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Recycling Bin | Social Studies
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Greenpeace | Social Studies
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post, today for social studies we learned about Greenpeace, what they do and the impacts of their action. After learning about them we had to create a slideshow about them.
Monday, June 21, 2021
The Hunter Swoop | English
Top left-hand corner:
A shining bright sun that reigns over light and fluffy balls of gas,
Top right-hand corner:
The sky creating a dark attractive blue from various atmospheric conditions.
A clear and distinctive shade of blue lights up the top of the calm waters. Small ripples and currents create texture and movements as an opened tin can float above.
Surprise! A cute little mouse lives inside the tin can, only relying on its ability to float to survive, as it looks confused about the situation at hand. The mouse holding a miniature umbrella as it covers itself from the bright blaring sun.