Hi everyone! Welcome to another post, today for wānanga we have started a new topic. For this topic, we will learn more about our culture and self-identity. Our first task was to create a DLO about what culture, society and sub-culture were. I chose to create my DLO on canva.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Culture, Society and Sub-Culture |Wānanga
Anti-Vietnam Song ⎢ Music Through Time
Hey, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam
Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam
Yesterday I got a letter from my friend fighting in Vietnam
And this is what he had to say
“Tell all my friends that I’ll be coming home soon
My time’ll be up some time in June
Don’t forget”, he said, “To tell my sweet Mary
Her golden lips are sweet as cherry”
And it came from Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam
Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam
It was just the next day, his mother got a telegram
It was addressed from Vietnam
Now Mistress Brown, she lives in the USA
And this is what she wrote and said
“Don’t be alarmed”, she told me the telegram said
“But Mistress Brown your son is dead.”
And it came from Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam
Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, hey, Vietnam
Somebody please stop that war now
Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, oh Vietnam
Vietnam, oh Vietnam, oh oh, oh oh
Somebody please stop it
Vietnam, Vietnam, oh Vietnam
Vietnam oh oh, oh oh Vietnam
Hey Vietnam, aha Vietnam, oh oh, yeah
I wanna say now somebody stop that war
Monday, March 29, 2021
Children of Blood and Bones ⎢ Critical Literacy
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post, today we did another reflection session. Today I decided to do a reflection about a book that we have been reading in English. I have already made a post about this book, but that was when we were starting the book, but now that we have finished it I decided to do a reflection about it.
Title: Children of Blood and Bone
The book was written by Tomi Adeyemi and features South African Gods and Goddesses. The story features a girl who goes on a journey to attempt to bring back magic to the kingdom of Orïsha. The author of the story developed this story with the purpose to inform readers about the tragic shootings happening to African-Americans. She also gained inspiration from Yoruba culture, books and animations such as Harry Potter and Avatar: The Last Airbender.Text Type: Book
Text Creator: Tomi Adeyemi
Text Purpose: To inform
What views of the world is the text presenting?
In the text, it represents unfairness to a certain class of people. One class is superior to the other. It shows how the lower class were treated and how they were judged by the higher class. This can be linked to something in the world that would be called social class, something that is used to group people into a set of hierarchical social categories. To further explain, a certain class will always be on top of the other class the person of the higher class may have a person of lower-class working for them. The book explains how the people of a higher class were mistreating the people of a lower class.
Neutralisation : The pH Scale
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post, today for science we were given the task to create a post with either one of the experiments that we have previously done. I chose to do a post about the pH scale.
Aim: To observe how different acids and bases are on the pH scale.
Equipment: Test Tube, Test Tube Rack, Universal Indicator, Hydrochloric Acid, Sodium Hydroxide, Stirring Rod.
a pH of 8 - 12 |
a pH of 4 - 6 |
Full Spectrum of the pH scale. |
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Beatlemania | Music Through Time
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post, today for social studies we started a new topic. For this topic, we are learning about Beatlemania, what it is and how it impacted the music industry to what it is today. Our first task was to write about one of their songs. I have chosen to write about their song 'Yesterday', written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Israeli Archeologists ⼁Critical Literacy
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Credit: https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/new-dead-sea-scrolls-1.5951332 |
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Anzac: Significance of WW1⼁Music Through Time
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post today I have finished our last unit for Social Studies. For this unit, we had to learn about the Anzacs, what they are, what they were known for, their experiences, and how music was used during the war. Our objective for this unit was to understand what happened during the Gallipoli Campaign and how music was used during WW1.
Gallipoli Campaign
The Gallipoli Campaign is a campaign that took place from 19 Feb 1915 to 9 Jan 1916. The purpose of the Gallipoli campaign was to make an opening through Dardanelles for Allied Ships to come through and capture the Capital of the Ottoman Empire, Constantinople. Their goal also included completely throwing the Ottoman Empire out of the war. The campaign went on for 8 months, resulting in the Ottoman Empire winning.
The Last Post
Why is this song significant to New Zealand?
This song is significant to New Zealand because it honours the many soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for our country. It was important because some soldiers did not have a proper burial and some soldiers were never even found.
What does the Last Post represent?
The last post represents the many wars and battles the world has gone through. Before the last post was just a call that signified what time of the day it was for a soldier. But as time passed by it has been incorporated into the ceremonies and military services for the people who have served their country. The last post also symbolises the start of a new life for the soldiers.
Map of Gallipoli Campaign
Sunday, March 14, 2021
The ANZAC'S ⼁Critical Literacy
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post, today is another reflection session and I decided to do a reflection about a topic that we have studied during Social Studies. The topic was about the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Amry Corps) and how their sacrifices made them known.
Title: Anzac Day : Page 2 - The Anzacs + The Gallipoli Campaign : Page 7 - Soldiers' experience
The text was part of an article that consisted of different information that included different information about Anzac Day and how it came to be. The part that I read mentioned information about how the Australian and New Zealand soldiers went to Gallipoli and fought. Then it mentioned the other wars they participated in.
Text Type: Article
Text Creator: New Zealand History
Text purpose: To inform viewers.
How does the text construct a version of reality?
This text shows how Australian and New Zealand soldiers were brave enough to participate in a war that decided the fate of the world. It shows the reality of being in the war and how many sacrifices they had to go through for their country and for the world. But these weren't the only things they had suffered, living in trenches and sleeping when there were firearms and bombing happening wasn't the best situation to sleep in. The environment was also bad to live in as there were constant shortages of water, the food that was shipped to them was difficult to get and the space they lived in was quite small for all of the soldiers. In short, both articles showed how harsh the war was to the soldiers and how much they have suffered and sacrificed throughout the whole campaign.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
The Mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon丨Critical Literacy
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post, today we did another reflection session. This time I decided to write about a book I have recently read, it is called 'The Mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon'.
Title: The Mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon
The text was a book about how archaeologists found the Hanging Garden of Babylon. It gave us an insight into the process of finding one of the seven wonders of the world. It wrote about the history of the hanging garden, why it was so hard to find and some information about the architecture of the garden.
Text Type: Book
Text Creator: Stephanie Dalley
Text Purpose: To be read and inform.
What knowledge does the reader need to bring to this text in order to understand it?
In the book, The Mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon by Stephanie Dalley, knowledge of the Hanging Garden of Babylon is needed. This is something that is needed because the book is on the subject of the hanging garden. The book discusses how the hanging garden was discovered so it is mandatory to know a few things about the hanging garden so that the reader can fully understand the text that is being written. The following sentences above give us evidence that we need to know about the hanging garden to be able to fully understand the book and what is written in it.
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Credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hanging_Gardens_of_Babylon.jpg |
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Music Through Time: Parihaka
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post, this week for social studies we have started a new unit. For this unit, we learned about Parihaka and how it impacted the natives who were living in Parihaka. Our objective for this unit was to understand what happened to Parihaka, its impacts and how songs were used during this event.
Information about Parihaka
Parihaka is a small community between the Tasman Sea and Mt Taranaki. After the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, the government started to take away lands from the Māori, when their lands were taken away from them they didn't have anywhere to go. Parihaka was a small village that housed many natives that lost their homes during that time.