It's a little bit late for this wrap up, beacuse it is already 2018, but we still got time right. It is also my last year in Hornby Primary. So lets get started on Term 1, let's see what did happen in term 1, well let's go and see.
In Term 1, we visited Spencer park to do some activities, and collect some things for our treasure art back at school. I was really excited since we were also gonna go to the beach. But whne it started my group didn't get to collect any since the teacher that was with us thought we were gonna go back again. We also got to play on the park play volleyball and explore. So when we got back to school my group had to go and collect some at school. So I picked everything and started on my art, after I finished it which was in about 2 days it looked like this.
Reading; In reading for term 1 we learned about the Maori traditional games, we had to get in group of 2 and pick which game you would like to do. My partner and I did a DLO revolving around how to make string figures, like a broomstick our DLO turned out like this.
We also did some traditional and cultural dances, like the "Samoan Sasa" and the "Super Haka with the Ti Rakau Sticks".
Term 2:
In Term 2 we did a mystery research, there we here a lot of topic, so first what we did was we had to pick a topic and do some research about it. Then after the research we had to get in groups and create some about the topic. My topic was about Easter Island, Easter Island's mystery was the statue's called Moai. We also had to write speeches about our creations. My group did a whole island made out of cardboard. We also made a mountain out of paper mache it was really fun and also very challenging.
We also did a lot of activities on our topic like a timeline. But the main mystery in Easter Island was how the Moai/statue's was built. Eventually we didn't find out the answer.
Term 3:
Term 3 was an amazing term we had an extravaganza, the year 6's was lucky to have an extravaganza since the other year 6's didn't have one. So our theme was NZ Past to present, and my class did NZ Music Month. We listened to some music from the 1900's to 2000's, then we had to pick which song are we going to and then get into groups. I pick 6 months in a leaky boat, the music was good and the tune was also very good, it was also easy to dance to. Then at the end of our performance we had to get on the stage again and the most voted song which is called Why does love do this to me. So then we had to dance to it. It was a fun and crazy performance. So then I had another performance and it was about culture, I had a group, amd we dance Tinikling (from Philippines),
(Sorry Don't have any pictures)
We also learned something about binary numbers.
Reading: In reading we did a novel study there were 4 choices. Holes, Among the hidden, Freak the might, Number the Stars. I picked Among the hidden because it had a very attractive tittle. So then we had to do some activities like doing a character description and many other things we had to finish our reading early because of the extravaganza.
Term 4:
Term 4, which is in the season of summer, that means there is swimming. So first we are going to Canterbury Swim School for swimming lesson. We did that for 2 weeks and then took swimming lessons at school.
We also had an Athletics day, there were basic activities like sprints and high jump. I put up a post about this, here is a link.
In writing we had to pick a topic of our own and do some research about your topic I picked pyramids. So then it probably took about 3-4 weeks to complete the whole research.
We also did a lot of activities on our topic like a timeline. But the main mystery in Easter Island was how the Moai/statue's was built. Eventually we didn't find out the answer.
Term 3:
(Sorry Don't have any pictures)
We also learned something about binary numbers.
Reading: In reading we did a novel study there were 4 choices. Holes, Among the hidden, Freak the might, Number the Stars. I picked Among the hidden because it had a very attractive tittle. So then we had to do some activities like doing a character description and many other things we had to finish our reading early because of the extravaganza.
Term 4:
Term 4, which is in the season of summer, that means there is swimming. So first we are going to Canterbury Swim School for swimming lesson. We did that for 2 weeks and then took swimming lessons at school.
We also had an Athletics day, there were basic activities like sprints and high jump. I put up a post about this, here is a link.
In writing we had to pick a topic of our own and do some research about your topic I picked pyramids. So then it probably took about 3-4 weeks to complete the whole research.
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