
Friday, August 17, 2018


Though it has already passed, I am doing a pot about the 2018 Lunar Eclipse, it was the longest eclipse of the century.  The eclipse lasted 3 hours and 40 minutes but when the moon is totally covered it lasted for 1 hour and 40 minutes.  The eclipse was visible to Australia, New Zealand, Eastern Africa, Central Asia, Western Africa, Europe, Western Africa.  But some of them they only saw how it rose. It was also called the blood moon.  

(Picture of the countries where the eclipse was visible.)

This is how a Lunar Eclipse works, (if you don't know).!AhIPQgZM_9WShf8K5dOlBR6uszCbTw

The eclipse happened in 27 - 28 July, but of is for Australia and New Zealand.  Here are some cool photos on the eclipse, also with a video of the eclipse.

Welcome Term 3!!!

Even though the school holidays ended 4 weeks ago.  We welcome Term 3.  We are also happy that there is Winter Sports but it will be ending in Week 5. There will be lot of events and cool things happening so please, check it out and have a great day.