
So here is my writing:
"The Black Eye'
There she was, Ever May, she was 11 years old, she studied in Cabhom Intermediate. She just arrived at school, walking through the rusted gates, she saw boys fighting near the entrance of the school. She so wanted to stop them, but if she got in trouble her mother would be angry. So she just ignored it and walked through the entrance.
While she was walking to the entrance, the boys fighting had noticed her. He asked, “What are you doing mutt?” I just looked down not wanting to anger the boys. Though she could fight she couldn’t risk the consequences of getting in trouble with the principal. But how do the boys not get in trouble? Well, that’s because they have rich families and they pay off the bills of the school.
The boy asked again with anger radiating from him, “What are you doing here you mutt?” She again looked down, Ever could probably fight him but, she doesn’t want to get in trouble. Then, he suddenly punched her in the eye, it did hurt but she couldn’t let her self down. So she risked it all, she punched him in the gut. Though she didn’t want to get in trouble, she didn’t want to show them she was weak.
Do you know what happened? Well they got into a heated fight, he ripped some of her uniform of, she kicked his stomach, he pushed her to the ground making her knee bleed and lastly she kicked him in his abdomen. Then the headmaster came and he yelled: “STOP!!”
He grabbed Ever by her arm and walked towards the office. He had instructed his assistant to call her
parents in. She wasn’t devastated in that, but she was scared either because she knew that she had to
fight him. The headmaster commands her to be seated, and she did what he said.
parents in. She wasn’t devastated in that, but she was scared either because she knew that she had to
fight him. The headmaster commands her to be seated, and she did what he said.
He grabbed Ever by her arm and walked towards the office. He had instructed his assistant to call her parents in. She wasn’t devastated in that, but she was scared either because she knew that she had to fight him. The headmaster commands her to be seated, and she did what he said.
A few minutes later her mother had come in and talked with the principal. Although her mother was angry, she was delighted, that’s because she finally fought back. There she stood proud and happy with a back eye to show everyone that she had fought the unbeaten. The headmaster and her mother looked back to see what was happening, they looked in confusion.
Why would Ever get happy about getting beat up? Well, that’s because she was proud for standing up for her self and teaching them a lesson. What happened to the boy? Well him he got lectured by his parents about treating a girl the right way and showing respect to other people.
I really liked the picture! Why? Because even if you don’t know the story behind you might see that this girl fought for her self and defend herself. I also really liked it because she looked beautiful even though with all the bruises on her. You might not know but under those bruises is a girl that fights.
Thank you for reading my story, I hope you enjoyed reading it.
Reflection: I think I did extremly well making up a back story for her. Next time I should add more action and make it interesting.
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