
Friday, January 17, 2020

Summer Learning Journey 2019-2020 • Week 3 • Day 5 - Activity 3

Hi everyone! Welcome back to another post. I am almost with the activities for week 3 of the Summer Learning Journey. This one is the last activity, so I hope you learn something from it. Enjoy!


You have now made it to the end of Week 3 and have earned the chance to choose your very own scientist, technologist or inventor who you think has changed the world. There are no right or wrong choices for this activity, so find someone who interests you and tell us about them on your blog. It could be someone from your family, church, community and/or someone famous who you admire.

Here are some starting points in case you get stuck:

Taitusi Taufa

A J Hackett

Mana Vautier

Madame C.J Walker

Te Rangi Hīroa

Mae Jemison

For this activity, we had to choose one person and then we had to read about it. In our blog we had to provide, the name of the person, what the person does or have done and an explanation of how they/their work had had an impact on the lives of others.

I have chosen Cai Lun.

Attribution: Print depicting Cai Lun as the patron saint of papermaking, Public Domain.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nadia! Thank you for recommending that I will surely do it the next time! I really love to learn about history because I just find it fascinating to learn about past and see how people lived in ancient times. Thank you for your lovely comment. Have a great day!


Please structure your comments as follows:
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or Ask a question you want to know more about