William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an author, poet and playwright. He is the best known for the plays that he wrote while living in England in the 16th Century. Although they were written a long a time ago, they are still popular because they talk about things that are familiar to us - love, revenge, confusion, betrayal, jealousy, hurt, etc. You might have heard of some of his plays: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, King Lear. Many of them have also been made into movies.
Shakespeare wrote his plays in English, however, it is not the same version of English, however, it is not the same version of English that we have now. In fact, many of the words that we use today, in 2019, weren't used back in 1600 (and vice versa).
For this activity, we had to write a short recount about what we did this morning in regular English and then use a translating tool to turn it into Shakespearean English.
Kia ora Lyan,
ReplyDeleteGreat work on completing another Summer Learning Journey activity. There is only one more week left to get those activities done and gain those points so keep blogging and commenting.
I feel like talking Shakesparean english is rather time consuming and a lot harder than it is compared to talking in english now. What do you think? Would you find it tricky to understand if someone came to you speaking in Shakesparean english?
Until next time, happy blogging :)