
Monday, November 23, 2020

Distillation : Hurumanu 3

Hi everyone! Welcome to another post, today for science we are learning about Distillation by doing an experiment about it. While learning about it we needed to know about two important things to follow along with the experiment. The two things were Evaporation and Condensation, which were some topics that we did an experiment on, in earlier weeks. 

Evaporation: This happens when you heat a liquid into a particular temperature and that liquid turns into a gas. 
Condensation: This happens when a gas cools down and turns into a liquid. 
Distillation: This is a scientific experiment use to show the process of condensation. 

Aim: To separate a solute from a solver in a solution using distillation. 
Hypothesis: When the coke evaporates I think that it will heat and leave behind some sugar. While the coke zero would also leave behind some sugar but not a lot. 
Equipment: Conical Flask, Heatproof Mat, Gauze Mat, Delivery Tube and Bung, Bunsen Burner, Retort Stand, Boss Head and Clamp, Boiling Tube, Coke. 

*For this experiment we used coke rather than saltwater.*

1. Set up equipment shown in the diagram. 
2. Add 50ml Coke into the conical flask. 
3. Light the Bunsen Burner and put under the tripod.
4. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has evaporated. 


When the soda was boiling it was evaporating and condensing at the same time. When the evaporated gas goes up to the delivery tube and down to the tube it then condenses. While all of this happens the cola has a lighter colour than it was in the start. To follow that statement the bubbles were always appearing near the sides of the flask and the soda was slowly evaporating. 

For the condensed liquid that has made its way to the tube, it is slowly being cooled down by the ice. The more time passes the more condensed liquid goes to the tube. Because the soda is being heated the liquid slowly evaporates and the liquid slowly separates from the sugar leaving the sugar behind in the conical flask. 

In the end in my opinion my hypothesis was correct because both of the sodas have left behind sugars. For the original soda, it had a thick slurry of sugar left inside the flask. While the coke zero also had some left behind but not a lot. 

I think that these happened because if the amount of soda that was being heated up which caused the process of evaporation and condensation. Because of that the when the soda evaporates and turns into a gas it is then trapped by something to condense it making it travel inside the delivery tube and ending up in the tub. 

I really liked doing this experiment because it was very exciting to set up the material for the experiment. I also really enjoyed just watching as the soda boils and evaporate into the tube. 


Outcome: #1
Condensation Water 

Left: Coke Zero - Right: Original Coke 

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