I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Saturday, December 19, 2020
SLJ 2020-2021: Fishy False Teeth
Friday, December 18, 2020
SLJ 2020-2021: Your Comments Count
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post, today I will be doing an activity for the Summer Learning Journey. For this activity, we had to do a quality comment on a student's blog and then post it on our blog. I decided to comment on a blog from Waikowhai Primary School in the Ako Hiko Cluster. After commenting we had to describe why our comment is a quality comment.
"Hi, Brittany! My name is Lyan and I from Hornby High School from the Uru Mānuka Cluster. I loved reading your blog post, it was very inspiring to read your chorus. The chorus was written very well and I especially liked it when you mentioned the subject of standing tall, I found it very motivating. When reading your chorus it reminded me of a poem I have read recently, which was called Stand Tall was written by Chrissie Pinney.
Next time if you ever do this again, I would suggest decorating the picture up a bit so that it could attract more viewers to look at your blog. Other than that your blog post was a pleasure to read. I hope to see more quality blog posts in that future! Have a great day!"
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Summer Learning Journey 2020 - 2021 : Starter Activity
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post. This year I decided to participate in the Summer Learning Journey again. Before the event starts we there were some starter activities that were set for us. I chose to do a post about the Art Colouring Book where we can colour some famous artworks. After colouring some art we needed to put both the original art and our coloured art on our blog.
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Can you guess which is the original and which is mine? Left < Right |
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Health : Discovery - Schizophrenia
Hallucination |
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Schizophrenia was said to be a colourful type of mental health. |
Strategy to cope with schizophrenia: Therapy/Doctor |
Reflection: This project was really fun, and I got to learn more about something I didn't know about before. I am really proud of my friend and I's artworks. Next time I would include more about the key topics in the research.
Monday, December 7, 2020
The Black Death - Fleas and Rats
Hi everyone! Welcome to another post, today we are learned about how fleas and rats affected the black death during the middle ages. During the lesson, we learned about what fleas and rats carry around and how they infected the human with black death. After learning about fleas and rats we then did a task to learn more about rats and fleas. We did that by sorting out some characteristics of a rat and flea, then we made a diagram on how the disease was spread. Then we made a basic body paragraph about the fleas and rats during the black death.
Rats in General | Black rats | Brown rats | Fleas |
Two of the most common types are the black rat and brown rat. Rodents, Rattus Can feed on almost anything edible. Tend to stay near people. Poison, gas and traps are ways of killing them. Dig and burrow and are good swimmers. | Also called Roof and Climbing rats Jump as much as 200 times their body length. Weight about 450 grams | Also called Sewer or Wharf rats Weigh up to 200 gram Commonly found in cities, especially seaports in upper storeys of house and buildings. Do not rely so much on people. Are heavy breeders. Fleas are less infectious. | Will often move from one host to another. Feed on the blood of the host. Lay eggs in the hair of animals, in dirt and rubbish. Fleas are very infectious. Can go without food for several months is necessary. |
During the black death fleas and rats had a tremendous part in the cause of the black death. Rats were commonly seen during the Middle Ages, whether it be on the trading ships, homes, churches, farms and castles, they would often be seen there. Fleas and rats are dirty creatures and they come from gnarly places were filthy objects accumulated and these were seen everywhere. Because during the Middle Ages the environment was not clean, there were a lot of places that were full of people and people had very little knowledge about hygiene. The black death started when fleas suck the infected blood of the rat, after that, it would then jump to a human and it would vomit the infected blood on their host’s body, which would then start the domino effect of the black death. Because places were crowded the black death was spread in a few years of time. The black death was also spread because of the trading ships and cargo being shipped across the continent and these cargo/ships also had rats in it that had fleas inhabiting their body. Concluding my past statements rats and fleas were very dangerous beings during the black death and they were something that can cause a downfall of a nation.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Art : Photography
Scene: Woman captured by soldiers. |
Scene: Crime scene - Woman left to deteriote by suspicious people. |
Crime Scene like the photo above. |
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A photograph we like to call "Another Self" |
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Inspired by a photo from Slinkachu. |
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Theme: Someone drowning. |
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Theme: Someone Drowning in something toxic. |
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Inspired by: |
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Inspired by: |
Reflection: In my opinion, I did well in this topic because I work hard to complete the work that was set and I think that the photos we took were pretty cool.