B - Bacon
C - Cabbage
D - Donuts
E - Eggs
F - French Toast
G - Grapes
H - Honey
I - Ice Cream
J - Jackfruit
K - Kiwi
L - Lasagna
M - Maltesers
N - Noodles
O - Octopus
P - Pizza
Q - Quesadillas
R - Rasberry
S - Spaghetti
T - Tofu
U - Ube - A Filipino flavouring.
V - Vanilla
W - Watermelon
X - Xavier Steak - a Prepared dish with other ingredients.
Y - Yogurt
Z - Zucchini
This was really hard to do, but I did get a little help from some family members, the letter X was the hardest because no one in my family knew any food that begins with an x. Well, that is all from this post, please have a great day!
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