
Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Last week and this week we did EOTC week, EOTC week is education outside the class room.   I was really excited.  I feel scared but excited at the same time.

Surfing and Body Boarding,
On Thursday 8th December we went to Sumner beach to do some surfing and body boarding. We had to learn some safety rules before we go in the water.  After that I had to change into our swimming togs and grab a wet suit that fits, then we got change into our togs and the wet suit and we went surfing and body boarding.  For lunch we had fish and chips, Donuts and hot dog.
Adrenaline Forest and Spencer,
One Friday 9th December we went to Adrenaline Forest and Spencer park.  We got split up to 2 groups my group was first to be climbing the tall trees.  I got up to stage 3 it was really scary but also fun.  It was also very challenging.  Once we finished we had lunch in Spencer park which is just across the road.  When we finished we played in the playground and the other group went to Adrenaline Forest.  When they finished we went back to school.
Mega Air and Top Team,
On Tuesday 13th December we went to Mega Air and we did top team.   First we watched a video with safety rule before we jump and after that we had lots of fun.  Genica, Aiden, Kea and I did some flips and Handstands and then we went to the foam pit and the Air bag we had lots of fun in racing in the Air Bag.  We were there for an hour.  Then we had to walk back to school.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

A letter to the future me,

This I have been making a letter to the future me.  We had to include our goals and aspirations as a 10 or 9 year old.  Here is my story.  I hope you like reading it.

Dear Future me,
By the time you read this many years will have passed.  In fact you will be turning 25 years old.  This is a little reminder of what your goals, dreams and aspirations were as an 9 year old.

Let’s start with your career.  The plan was to work really hard at school and went to university to be a narrator.  You would have made amazing stories that people sell all over the world.  You could be a famous narrator that would have made over a hundred amazing stories.

You were also interested in sports.  You wanted to be a volleyball player.  Your goals was to make a team of girls to compete in the olympics and win the volleyball world cup 3 years in a row.  You also wanted to be a hockey player.  You wanted to be in the New Zealand blacks sticks hockey team.

You also want to travel around the world.  You wanted to go to Gold Coast Australia, Los Angeles, Eiffel tower in paris, the statue of liberty in New York and Florida.

After all that traveling you are going to be settling down in Christchurch where you will live with partner in a house and planning on getting married and having 2 children.

I hope you receive this letter in good health and I am looking forward to our life together.

Yours Sincerely,

9 Year old me

Friday, November 25, 2016

Its Time For a vacation!

This week we have been working on a presentation for a holiday.  I was working with Genica. Genica and I  picked the Gold Coast because it is sunny there.  We had to find flights, accommodation, attractions, and restaurants. We had a budget of $17,000 to use. The flight cost $1,620.00, the accommodation cost $920 and we had to pick an activity to do and it cost $277.  Now we had to look for 6 restaurants to have dinner in. There are also some facts, land marks, famous sports team, the country profile and famous celebrities.  This is our planning.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Maths DLO - Ordering Fractions

In Maths I have been learning how to order fractions with the same denominator.  This is a video that will show you how to order fractions by smallest to biggest.
Next Steps: Order fractions with the same denominator.
Here is my video I hope you like it.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Maths - Comparing Fractions

W.A.L.T: Comparing Fractions 
I have been working on a DLO it is about comparing fractions.
Next Steps: To compare with the same denominator.
Here is that video I hope you like it.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Earthquake DLO

A loud noise woke me up from my sleep.  It was in Christchurch Monday 14 November at 12:00am there was an earthquake.  Good thing I was fast asleep in the house with my parents and my sister and no one was hurt.  The earthquakes was about 7.2% to 6.6%.

I have got some advice if you in a earthquake.  First if you feel like there is an earthquake you need to go under a table or a chair and drop, cover and hold on to the table, it is called a turtle position. Do not face the windows so you won't get hurt if the windows break.
Image result for earthquake turtle hornby primary school
You should also have a survival kit.  You should always have a parent or caregiver with you.

This is the earthquake damage to the roads.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Maths - Fractions of a set

WALT: Find a fractions of a set
It is the same WALT but another kind of strategy to solve the question.
Next Steps: My next step is to do that are harder questions.
Here is my video

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Nutrition Master chef - shared lunch

This week we have been preparing for shared lunch only for our class. So first we split up to our writing groups, then we had to pick from Mr. Todasco's hand. My group chose me and I got to pick a fruit smoothie. So we got started but I got called to go, but some food from the supermarket.

?|"}"rket. Then when we got back everyone was in swimming, but the people who did not know there was togs on their Chromebook finishing off their writing. I asked if I could help my group to cut the fruit. Here is some picture of us and our class eating the food. This was all Mr. Todasco's idea thanks to him we could and be healthy and fit. I love the fruit smoothie and the kebabs.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Health and Nutrition

This term in my class in topic we have been learning health and nutrition, I am going to share what I learnt.
There are different kind of food group like vegetables and fruit, Milk and Alternatives, Grain Products and  Meat and Alternatives.   We can go on groups of 2 to 3.  My partner was Keyana.  We also learnt about food labels. 

Vegetables and Fruit

Milk and Alternatives
Meat and Alternatives

Grain Products

Maths - Find a fraction of a set

This week I have been working hard on a dlo.  I understand this very good and I can explain it. Next time I have to draw a bar because my circle isn't even.  I hope you like it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A Great Party

In the school holidays, on Saturday 1st of October my family, my families friends and I had a big, humongous party, it was held in our house.  The party was to celebrate a Filipino tradition.  

I woke up 8:00 am, I got up and prepared for the party.  My mum said I have to  get ready fast.  My sister was still sleeping, I got prepared I picked out a cool dressed and went to the bath and got dressed.  I tied up my hair so it doesn’t get in my face.

I went outside and my mum was cooking I helped her cook.  I chopped carrots, peeled potatoes, minced mushrooms and prepared the table.  After that I helped my dad to prepare the billiard for the boys.  Next I set up games for parents and children, it took my an hour to set games up.  After that I took a nap.

When my mum woke me up and my friends and my parents friends were here.  I asked them if they can play with me and they said yes.  So we went outside to play we played races, duck goose, tag, octopus and we played on our bikes.  After that we had a rest and play cards.  We played snap and my sister always wins .

After playing cards my dad called all of the kid to vs each other in billard.  I was first up I was vs a boy he is a friend.  After in the start I got a 3 balls in the hole.  And he got nothing.   I was winning there was one more ball he tried to put it in the hole but it didn’t go in so I got it in.  After that no one wanted to vs me so I just went inside the house.

Now it was time to eat my mum bought 14 pizza for everyone I went for the cheeze pizza because I like it. After that we had some dessert I had ice cream, cookies and cupcakes. We also had some cooked pig it is a part of filipino tradition.  Finally we had a cake I ran to the cake a it was so tall I couldn’t even reach it my parents and my parents friends cut it and we ate it all up till it was gone it tasted really yummy.

When we were done eating I asked my friends mother if they could have a sleepover at my house and she said yes.  Finally everyone left and went home, except for my friends family and my dad’s mates they were sleeping at our house.

I like the party and I felt really happy and quiet sad because my other friends left to go back home but I had a great night and a wonderful day.  I was tired and sleepy it was very late so I had a long sleep.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Its the term holidays

Its the term holidays, Yay! School just ended on Friday 23rd of September.  I was so excited for the term holidays and know here it is.  I had an awesome term and I really need a break from school.

First on Sunday we went to samurai bowl in Wairaki.  It was a long long ride from our home.  When we arrived my mum was amazed of how big it was, it wasn't like the other one near South city.  So we wen in and I ordered some sushi and some samurai ramen which a name called for noodles that they make. Here are some photos.
I couldn't take any photos when we were eating because I was to busy eating sushi and noodles.

After we finished eating we wen to dress mart.  We took the elevator to go down, when we arrived in the shops we went to pumpkin patch.  There were lots and lots of clothes and shoes to pick from, my mum and I found a dress for my sister, we thought it would be great if she wore it on her birthday this coming up 29th of October and I also found some cool shoes that I could were in special events.
I got the shoes with the bow on it on the 2nd section.
There's still more exciting things coming up!!

Friday, September 23, 2016

My Film Festival Movie

For topic for this term we decided to do a film festival.  My group is Genica, Keyana, Kea and me.  My group decided to do a time lapse of candle and Ice melting.  We were going to do banana rotting and beans growing but we ended up with Ice and candle melting.  

We first started with our planning then to our story board then we went into recording stage which was really hard to set up but we got to the end.  We have have been working on this video for 8 weeks.  I am really proud of what I done, how much work I did, I am just so proud of my self.  It has been challenging for my group, because we had to go through lots of planning.  

We have been arguing a lit bit but it is worth it.  Here is the finished product, I hope you like it. 
Please leave a comment about my movie.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Film Festival Prepation

This term my class has been working on some films for the film festival.  My group is Genica, Keyana, Kea and me.  My group has been working on a time lapse.  We did time lapse of  Candle and Ice melting.  We have editing our video in a app called imovie.   Here are some photos of my group editing, filming and waiting patiently for the candle to melt.  I hope you like looking at our photos and enjoy!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Bledisloe cup Presentation

This week my partner Axle and I has been working on the slide called Bledisloe Cup.  We have been learning facts that are very interesting.  We've also looked at some sites that will give us information about the Bledisloe cup History. I found it challenging to turn the word from the sites in to my own words. I hope you like reading our presentation, and have a great day.
W.A.L.T: Locate key information from a range of resources.

Friday, September 2, 2016

How divide with remainder part 2 - Maths

W.A.L.T Divide with remainder using larger numbers.
Last week I learnt how to divide with remainders, this is part two but there is a little twist it is using larger numbers. You can use this for big numbers but odd .I hope you like watching my video and enjoy!!

Friday, August 26, 2016

First Draft - The Unlucky Trip Story

In writing my writing group we made a story about the space Chimp my title is The Unlucky Trip. This is my first draft and the red text means it is my improvements.My punctuation a vocabulary are in red here is the video space chimp my story hope you enjoy.

Success Criteria

I know I will be successful when….

  • The title is suitable for the text.
  • The orientation tells who the story is about, and when and where the story happened.
  • The complication describes a problem and explains what happened next.
  • The resolution explains how the problem was solved.
  • Seeks feedback and makes changes to texts to improve clarity and meaning.

The Unlucky Trip

First Draft

3, 2, 1 blast off! Whoosh! It was 1961, I was launched into space.  I was really scared, it felt like I being thrown out by a cannon.  As I was shooting across the atmosphere my heart was beating as it was about explode. All I had to think of is my trainer, he gave me a picture of me and him.   Anyway my name is Jack and I am a Chimp. I was sent into space because people in the NASA space station  could see how I survive in space.  

I really miss my trainer, his name is Nathan. He raised me up to the chimp that I am now.  I feel really scared and sad, then the radio went on. “Hello Jack are you there? Hello.”

I recognized that voice it was my trainer.   I replied, “Oooh aaah!” that means hello, my trainer said “ Bye and Good luck Jack!!” and that was his last words.  

65 years Later…………

Beep beep!!. I opened my eyes in confusion what was I doing here.  The stars were as bright as shiny as a diamond sparkling.  I closed my eyes and imagined suddenly my memories started to come back, my trainer I remember him, I saw the picture of him and me.  I was a beautiful chimp when I was a little chimp I have furry and soft fur and a beautiful face.  Now I am an old white whiskered chimp.  Then I saw my home, it's earth it looked beautiful, I had a big smile in my face.   Then I felt a scared I was going to earth I closed my eyes and imagined.

Terra firma!!

I landed, I got off the space capsule, instead of a beautiful colourful city it was a rusty, dusted and demolished earth.  I yelled “ooohhh aahh” but no one replied.  I fell to the ground and tears fell down.  I felt so sad I didn’t know what to do.  I stood up and explored the grey and broken city, I didn’t think it was a good  idea but I went on.  I went back to the space capsule to get my picture with my trainer, for a second I thought that humans destroyed this city and my trainer betrayed me.

I ran as fast as I can, once I was out of energy I took a seat in a bench.  After a few hours, a girl came passing by she said,“ run, run, run for you lives or you will die!!”

I ran with her she was pretty she was nice she was a human.  I stopped for a moment to asked her what had happened but she interrupted she said “what are you doing run!!!” I said “ oooh aaah “ that means what happened here. She said “ evil chimps, “ and that the only thing she said.  

I said to myself did she understand, I ran with her I couldn’t run that fast because I was very old, I tripped on a rock she held me up and we ran together. She said “were safe.” She started talking about  how the evil chimps took over the planet.  She said “ the chimps betrayed the humans.  I felt devastated and Depressed , then I heard a bang!!.

“Ahhh!!! Evil chimps” she said “run!!!” she said, so I ran with her I didn’t have much energy.  I ran and I ran as fast as I can, “ ooooh aaaah “ that means I can’t run anymore I tripped on a rock and fell down.  The picture of me and my trainer I smiled, I saw the evil chimps they weren’t going for me they were going for the girl.  I ran in front of them and said “oooohh aaaaah” that means what are you doing to this poor girl.   

They said “We are going to kill her” I said “ooooh aaaah” that means then you'll have to go through me.  They said “you you're too weak and old,” I said to the girl run run for your lives” she hided in a house. The evil chimps pulled out their swords and ripped me up and that was the last of me the space chimp. The End

an’t run anymore I tripped on a rock and fell down.  The picture of me and my trainer I smiled, I saw the evil chimps they weren’t going for me they were going for the girl.  I ran in front of them and said “oooohh aaaaah” that means what are you doing to this poor girl.   

They said “We are going to kill her” I said “ooooh aaaah” that means then you'll have to go through me.  They said “you you're too weak and old,” I said to the girl “run run for your lives” she hided in a house. The evil chimps pulled out their swords and ripped me up and that was the last of me the space chimp. The End

