Hello wonderful people, yesterday we did Japanese and it was so fun we made origami and we learnt how to ask people where they lived in Japanese. These are some words we learnt:
The highlighted parts are the meaning of the Hiragana/Katakana. Can you see the pattern?
どこ に すんでいます か
Doko ni sunde imasu ka?
Where do you live?
Kuraisochaachi ni sunde imasu.
I live in Christchurch.
とうきょう に すんでいます。
Toukyou ni sunde imasu.
I live in Tokyo
オーストラリア に すんでいます。
Oosutoraria ni sunde imasu.
I live in Australia.
New Zealand
The two one of the left is actually a swan but I messed up so I turned it on its side. But both of the swan's paper's are from Japan.
Hi Lyan it was indeed a awesome blog.We learn some of the basic word of Japanese language. THE BESt part is that you show your positive attitude .You never give up even you messed up of the origami.Next time choose a lighter color to highlight the words.Its a little bit hard to read.i can't wait to learn some more Japanese words.